Pool plaster repair video

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Etch clean the surface with a muriatic acid solution. Plug cracks and leaks around fittings using hydraulic cement ( SGM Dynamite Pool Patch). Stop water penetration from the outside pool.

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Remove loose tile and fittings undercut existing plaster two (2) inches below the tile line, and around return lines and fittings to a depth of 3/8 inch. Fill holes with specified patching cement SGM HSR High Strength Render to a level of existing plaster. Undercut the edges of the remaining plaster. Saw cut an area three (3) inches around bad spots and remove plaster inside the saw cut. Remove and repair all hollow and de-laminated plaster. Remove all cleaning solutions via high-pressure washing. Wash oil and grease spots using tri-sodium phosphate or equivalent and water soak if necessary. Wash with chlorine until algae, mold, and mildew are gone. Clean with high-pressure water or by sandblasting.

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Clean pool surfaces of all material that might interfere with the proper bonding of coatings. Identify hollow spots in plaster by sounding. Look for algae, mold, mildew, dirt, paint, mortar droppings, efflorescence, patching compounds, loose tile, cracked plaster, et cetera. Examine pool surfaces to identify conditions that might interfere with the proper bonding of coating.

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